21 cards where the cards are any language and the name is exactly “commandeer”

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
CMM 80 Commandeer {5}{U}{U} Instant R EN John Matson $3.94 €5.12 1.59
CSP 29 Commandeer {5}{U}{U} Instant R EN John Matson $17.91 €9.05 0.13
OTP 9 Commandeer {5}{U}{U} Instant R EN Magnus Jansson $0.85 €1.04 0.05
CMM 80 Einziehen {5}{U}{U} Spontanzauber R DE John Matson
CMM 80 Requisar {5}{U}{U} Instantáneo R ES John Matson
CMM 80 Réquisition {5}{U}{U} Éphémère R FR John Matson
CMM 80 徴用 {5}{U}{U} インスタント R JA John Matson
CMM 80 霸占 {5}{U}{U} 瞬间 R ZHS John Matson
CMM 484 Commandeer {5}{U}{U} Instant R EN John Matson $21.04 1.70
CMM 484 Einziehen {5}{U}{U} Spontanzauber R DE John Matson
CMM 484 Réquisition {5}{U}{U} Éphémère R FR John Matson
CMM 484 徴用 {5}{U}{U} インスタント R JA John Matson
CMM 484 霸占 {5}{U}{U} 瞬间 R ZHS John Matson
PLST CSP-29 Commandeer {5}{U}{U} Instant R EN John Matson $5.84
CSP 29 Einziehen {5}{U}{U} Spontanzauber R DE John Matson
CSP 29 Requisar {5}{U}{U} Instantáneo R ES John Matson
CSP 29 Réquisition {5}{U}{U} Éphémère R FR John Matson
CSP 29 Requisire {5}{U}{U} Istantaneo R IT John Matson
CSP 29 徴用 {5}{U}{U} インスタント R JA John Matson
CSP 29 Requisitar {5}{U}{U} Mágica Instantânea R PT John Matson
CSP 29 霸占 {5}{U}{U} 瞬间 R ZHS John Matson

It is the moment of discovery, the triumph of the mind, and the end of these results.