29 cards where the cards are any language and the name is exactly “cremate”

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
RTR 59 Cremate {B} Instant C EN Cynthia Sheppard $0.09 €0.06 0.03
GPT 45 Cremate {B} Instant C EN Paolo Parente $0.17 €0.09 0.03
INV 96 Cremate {B} Instant U EN Andrew Goldhawk $0.37 €0.19 0.04
RTR 59 Kremation {B} Spontanzauber C DE Cynthia Sheppard
RTR 59 Cremar {B} Instantáneo C ES Cynthia Sheppard
RTR 59 Crémation {B} Éphémère C FR Cynthia Sheppard
RTR 59 Cremare {B} Istantaneo C IT Cynthia Sheppard
RTR 59 死体焼却 {B} インスタント C JA Cynthia Sheppard
RTR 59 화장 {B} 순간마법 C KO Cynthia Sheppard
RTR 59 Cremar {B} Mágica Instantânea C PT Cynthia Sheppard
RTR 59 Кремация {B} Мгновенное заклинание C RU Cynthia Sheppard
RTR 59 火葬 {B} 瞬间 C ZHS Cynthia Sheppard
RTR 59 火葬 {B} 瞬間 C ZHT Cynthia Sheppard
GPT 45 Kremation {B} Spontanzauber C DE Paolo Parente
GPT 45 Cremar {B} Instantáneo C ES Paolo Parente
GPT 45 Crémation {B} Éphémère C FR Paolo Parente
GPT 45 Cremare {B} Istantaneo C IT Paolo Parente
GPT 45 死体焼却 {B} インスタント C JA Paolo Parente
GPT 45 Cremar {B} Mágica Instantânea C PT Paolo Parente
GPT 45 Кремация {B} Мгновенное заклинание C RU Paolo Parente
GPT 45 火葬 {B} 瞬间 C ZHS Paolo Parente
INV 96 Kremation {B} Spontanzauber U DE Andrew Goldhawk
INV 96 Cremar {B} Instant U ES Andrew Goldhawk
INV 96 Crémation {B} Éphémère U FR Andrew Goldhawk
INV 96 Cremare {B} Instant U IT Andrew Goldhawk
INV 96 死体焼却 {B} Instant U JA Andrew Goldhawk
INV 96 Cremar {B} Instant U PT Andrew Goldhawk
INV 96 Cremate {B} Instant U ZHS Andrew Goldhawk
INV 96 Cremate {B} Instant U ZHT Andrew Goldhawk

Though this query has ended, its relics still slumber in New Argive.