20 cards where the cards are any language and the name is exactly “extirpate”

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
TSR 114 Extirpate {B} Instant R EN Jon Foster $0.67 €0.82 0.19
MMA 84 Extirpate {B} Instant R EN Jon Foster $0.89 €1.29 0.17
PLC 71 Extirpate {B} Instant R EN Jon Foster $1.47 €0.80 0.20
TSR 114 Ausrupfen {B} Spontanzauber R DE Jon Foster
TSR 114 Extirpar {B} Instantáneo R ES Jon Foster
TSR 114 Extirpation {B} Éphémère R FR Jon Foster
TSR 114 Asportare {B} Istantaneo R IT Jon Foster
TSR 114 根絶 {B} インスタント R JA Jon Foster
TSR 114 Extirpar {B} Mágica Instantânea R PT Jon Foster
TSR 114 Искоренение {B} Мгновенное заклинание R RU Jon Foster
TSR 114 根除 {B} 瞬间 R ZHS Jon Foster
TSR 114 根除 {B} 瞬間 R ZHT Jon Foster
PLC 71 Ausrupfen {B} Spontanzauber R DE Jon Foster
PLC 71 Arrancar {B} Instantáneo R ES Jon Foster
PLC 71 Extirpation {B} Éphémère R FR Jon Foster
PLC 71 Asportare {B} Istantaneo R IT Jon Foster
PLC 71 根絶 {B} インスタント R JA Jon Foster
PLC 71 Extirpar {B} Mágica Instantânea R PT Jon Foster
PLC 71 Искоренение {B} Мгновенное заклинание R RU Jon Foster
PLC 71 根除 {B} 瞬间 R ZHS Jon Foster

The message was clear to Sorin—time to search for something else.