11 cards where the cards are any language and the name is exactly “impale”

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
RIX 76 Impale {2}{B}{B} Sorcery C EN Josh Hass $0.03 €0.07 0.03
RIX 76 Pfählen {2}{B}{B} Hexerei C DE Josh Hass
RIX 76 Empalar {2}{B}{B} Conjuro C ES Josh Hass
RIX 76 Empaler {2}{B}{B} Rituel C FR Josh Hass
RIX 76 Impalare {2}{B}{B} Stregoneria C IT Josh Hass
RIX 76 刺突 {2}{B}{B} ソーサリー C JA Josh Hass
RIX 76 꿰뚫기 {2}{B}{B} 집중마법 C KO Josh Hass
RIX 76 Empalar {2}{B}{B} Feitiço C PT Josh Hass
RIX 76 Пронзание {2}{B}{B} Волшебство C RU Josh Hass
RIX 76 刺穿 {2}{B}{B} 法术 C ZHS Josh Hass
RIX 76 刺穿 {2}{B}{B} 巫術 C ZHT Josh Hass

The orcs’ banner sends a clear message: “You've reached the end of this search.”