9 cards where the cards are any language and the name is exactly “standardize”

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
ONS 116 Standardize {U}{U} Instant R EN Justin Sweet $0.87 €0.23 0.02
ONS 116 Standardisieren {U}{U} Spontanzauber R DE Justin Sweet
ONS 116 Estandarizar {U}{U} Instantáneo R ES Justin Sweet
ONS 116 Normalisation {U}{U} Éphémère R FR Justin Sweet
ONS 116 Standardizzare {U}{U} Istantaneo R IT Justin Sweet
ONS 116 標準化 {U}{U} Instant R JA Justin Sweet
ONS 116 Padronizar {U}{U} Mágica Instantânea R PT Justin Sweet
ONS 116 Standardize {U}{U} Instant R ZHS Justin Sweet
ONS 116 Standardize {U}{U} Instant R ZHT Justin Sweet

In the blink of an eye, they strode from deep snow to the end of this search.