8 cards where the cards are any language and the name is exactly “thermopod”

Set Name Cost Type R La Artist USD EUR TIX
CSP 100 Thermopod {4}{R} Snow Creature C EN Dan Dos Santos $0.61 €0.36 0.03
CSP 100 Thermopod {4}{R} Verschneite Kreatur C DE Dan Dos Santos
CSP 100 Termópodo {4}{R} Criatura nevada C ES Dan Dos Santos
CSP 100 Thermopode {4}{R} Créature neigeuse C FR Dan Dos Santos
CSP 100 Termopode {4}{R} Creatura Neve C IT Dan Dos Santos
CSP 100 熱足ナメクジ {4}{R} 氷雪クリーチャー C JA Dan Dos Santos
CSP 100 Termópode {4}{R} Criatura da Neve C PT Dan Dos Santos
CSP 100 热腹蛞蝓 {4}{R} 雪境生物 C ZHS Dan Dos Santos

The message was clear to Sorin—time to search for something else.